Delivery & Returns

Returns & Exchanges

Thank you for shopping with us. We hope you are in love with your new purchase. If however, it’s not quite perfect, you have the option to return the item(s) and receive a gift card for the order total (excluding shipping fee). This applies to any item(s) dispatched to us within 7 days of receipt by you.

It’s important to note that shipping cost are not covered by Gianna Veru when sent back, so we suggest your local post office for the best service and tracking ID.

To be eligible for a return, your item(s) must be unused and in the same condition that you received it with all tags attached.

You will have received a returns sheet inside of your package. Please fill it out.  After you’ve packaged everything up and shipped it please send us over an email at RETURNS@GIANNAVERU.COM including your name, phone number, and tracking ID and we’ll be happy to assist you with your return.

Some items are not eligible for a return, but don’t worry, we make sure our designs clearly state this for you on the product page before purchasing.

Returns take around 2-3 working days to process.

Late Returns

We're unable to accept returns beyond the 7 days of your receipt and anything sent to us after will be returned back to you. 

Carriers To Return

Use your local post office with a signed for service and ask for a tracking number so that you can follow your return. 

Our Policy

Anything returned should be new, unused, and with all tags still attached. Returns that are damaged, soiled or altered may not be accepted and may be sent back to the customer. 

If you're returning something faulty, damaged, or soiled please contact RETURNS@GIANNAVERU.COM prior to sending any return.